In May of 2019, Sacramento County, California launched the Methamphetamine Coalition, the goal of which is “to identify and implement initiatives addressing the methamphetamine use problem and reducing meth use and its impact [on citizens and the community] in Sacramento County.” Comprised of several partners from public health and safety, the judiciary, educational institutions, the community, and treatment and prevention, the Coalition believed that it was imperative to provide education and resources to the community about methamphetamine use, and in collaboration with the Sacramento County Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Services Division, “Let’s Talk Meth” was born. The goal of Let’s Talk Meth is to increase enrollment in Sacramento County’s substance use treatment programs and decrease the use of methamphetamines.
The Let’s Talk Meth website provides information on treatment programs and connects people with licensed and certified providers in the county. Any Sacramento County resident who is 12 or older is eligible to receive treatment after first undergoing an assessment that helps match the individual with the best treatment options and appropriate level of care. The website offers education on substance use disorder, makes available resources, and provides support for any person in need. Additionally, members of public or private organizations can download a partner toolkit with social media guidelines, a newsletter template, talking points, and much more.
For more information about Let’s Talk Meth, logon to https://letstalkmeth.org/.