In the fall of 2022, West Virginia implemented an opioid and substance misuse prevention program named Game Changer in three public high schools. The first of its kind in the nation, the program is a prevention education program. More schools have been added since its launch in 2022, and the plan is to offer the program in all public elementary, middle, and high schools in the state by the fall of 2027.
Game Changer uses student peer leadership programs that focus on building school environments that foster and promote healthy living and staying away from using or experimenting with alcohol and drugs.
According to its website, the program:
- Connects students and educators with the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation to build school environments that prevent student opioid and other drug use before it starts;
- Works directly with schools to implement, monitor and sustain the Ford Foundation’s student peer leadership programs;
- Educates, supports, and empowers school-age children to live healthy, drug-free lives while preparing them to be future leaders; and
- Connects students and educators to communities across the U.S. that provide the educational training, coaching, and other support services necessary to prevent substance use.
The founder of Game Changer admits that the state will not know the true success of the program until the kindergarten class of 2022 graduates from high school in 2035. However, he is hopeful that the evidence-based program will “put a real dent in the opioid problem.”
To learn more about the Game Changer, visit GameChangerUSA.org.